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صنع منتجات تفهم احتياجات العملاء وتخلق قيمة للعملاء. بفضل الاحتياطيات التقنية المتقدمة وجودة المنتج الممتازة ، نجحت شركة ukkms في وضع سوق مجموعات المولدات الراقي الصينية.
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شهادات باور شريفة مع رخصة تجاريةيتم تقديم منتجات ba power إلى شهادات iso8525 و gb / t2820-97 وشهادة CE وجودة معتمدة من قبل أنظمة إدارة ISO9001 و ISO14001 لضمان منتجات وخدمات عالية الجودة. يتم تطبيق منتجاتنا على نطاق واسع في المجالات فيresisdential ، التجاري ، السوق ، الكهرباء ، الإيجار ،الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية ، والسكك الحديدية ، والبناء ، والطاقة الكهربائية ، والعسكرية ، والمصانع ، والطرق ، والنفط ، وبناء السفن ، إلخ ، وتصديرها إلى دول في جميع أنحاء العالم.ماركات محركاتنا:بيركنز ، الكمون ، دوسان ، MTU ، ريكاردو ، ukkms، إلخ.ماركات لوحة التحكم: uk deepsea، czech comap، smartgenدعمنا الفني: لدينا مهندسون ومصممون محترفون يعملون في صناعة المولد لأكثر من 10 سنوات يمكنهم تقديم حل تقني سريع وفعال في الوقت المناسب.ضماننا: نوفر وقت تشغيل لمدة عام أو 1000 ساعة أيهما يأتي أولاً كفترة قياسية. والأجزاء المستهلكة مع فلاتر الهواء والوقود وزيوت التشحيم ، وجميع الأعطال والأضرار الناجمة عن سوء التشغيل أو إهمال دليل الصيانة والتشغيل خارج نطاق الضمان الخاص بنا.التزاماتنا:لقد اجتازت جميع المنتجات اختبار المصنع الصارم قبل الشحن لضمان الجودة العالية.يتم تطبيق شروط ضمان المنتجات بصرامة.خط تجميع وإنتاج عالي الكفاءة لضمان التسليم في الوقت المحدد.يتم تقديم خدمات احترافية وفي الوقت المناسب ومدروس ومتفاني.يتم توفير ملحقات أصلية مواتية وكاملة.يتم تقديم تدريب تقني منتظم وغير منتظم طوال العام.يوفر مركز خدمة العملاء 24/7/365 استجابات سريعة وفعالة بسبب طلب خدمة العملاء.
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تركز العلامة التجارية للطاقة ukkms gongtai على هدف "إنشاء مورد إنتاج مجموعة مولدات الطوارئ على مستوى عالمي" و "إعادة وضع العالم ليكون" صنع في الصين "
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أحدث الأخبار
    WINDING PROTECTION IS A KEY ISSUE WHEN USING GENERATOR SETS Generator system: •Anti-condensation space heaters • Coastal Insulation protection Alternators are of course affected by this issue, essentially due to their electromechanical nature, since they contain numerous components that can fail prematurely. In addition to the mechanical risk there is the risk of electrical malfunction. The primary purpose ofgenerator setsis to provide electric current quickly and autonomously, in situations and places where the main supply has failed. As a result, they are often faced with conditions of use that do not provide an optimum environment. Extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, etc. All these aggressors are likely to speed up ageing of the genset and its different components. Resistance to the weather and demanding conditions of use is therefore essential to ensure the longevity of a generator set. In practice, we can see that for low-voltage machines excluding AVRs, the main sources of breakdown are divided evenly between the different alternator components.  DEMANDING ENVIRONMENTS Environmental stress is usually classified according to four criteria: •Humidity is a problem because it is an electrical conductor. It is therefore likely to encourage the development of potential short-circuits. Moreover, moisture tends to accumulate in the bottom of the machine, where it mixes with dust and does even more damage to the windings   Dust and other particlesconstitute another hazard, as they cause mechanical abrasion of the varnish, which will gradually lead to a deterioration in its performance. Since air circulation is used for cooling inside the alternator, the presence of particles in the environment is particularly harmful   Corrosion, especially rust due to a saline environment, is usually a factor in the premature ageing of mechanical parts and windings. Alternators used in coastal areas or in an unprotected marine environment are particularly exposed to this risk. Corrosion can also cause the build-up of deposits that may interfere with machine operation.   •In certain cases or for certain applications, generator sets can be used in environments saturated inchemicals which pose a particularly high level of attack (acids, bases, alkali). Although this rarely happens, these situations must also be taken into account   APPLICATIONS CONCERNED Although it’s difficult to generalise, we can nonetheless draw up guidelines relating to the correlation between the application for which an alternator is used, its environment and hence the required protection level. The table below summarises these considerations.   (*) Possible derating according to voltage and alternator models for TAL range (refer to catalogue). (**) Depending on the production site, the fibreglass enamelled wire solution may be replaced by another process, for example, double application of ins...


    25 2024
  • Correction method for Cummins generator set power on-site conditions
    Under non-rated on-site conditions and special loads, the rated power of Cummins generator sets needs to be corrected. Dongfeng Cummins generator set price,  Xiamen ZTA Power tells what the correction methods are:   1 Power correction of ambient temperature   When the ambient temperature is too high, the air density decreases, the amount of oxygen during diesel engine combustion decreases, and the combustion efficiency decreases, thereby reducing the mechanical output power of the diesel engine; at the same time, the generator needs cold air to cool the winding when it is working. When the ambient temperature is too high, the cooling effect is reduced, and the internal temperature of the generator winding increases. In order to ensure that the winding temperature of the generator is within the allowable range, the output power of the generator must also be reduced.   The output power of diesel engines and generators of various brands is affected by the ambient temperature. Due to different designs, the correction parameters are also inconsistent; the same brand, different models, and different speed control systems have different correction parameters. Generally, the correction parameters of the original diesel engine manufacturer should be used as the standard. Usually, the power loss can be calculated according to the output power decrease of 3%~4% for every 5℃ increase in ambient temperature above 40℃. However, it should be noted that the nominal power of some manufacturers' units is based on the output power at an ambient temperature of 25℃.   2 Power correction at altitude   When the altitude increases, the air density will also decrease, which also affects the output power of the diesel engine and generator. Different brands of diesel generator sets should refer to the manufacturer's power correction curve to calculate the actual power after capacity reduction. Usually, the power loss of generator set  can be calculated according to the output power decrease of 4%~5% for every 500m increase in altitude when the altitude exceeds 1000m. However, it should be noted that the nominal power of some manufacturers' units is based on the output power at an altitude of 300m. Electronic injection diesel engines use electronic injection control technology, which controls the injection timing and injection amount of each injector through various data of the diesel engine detected by a series of sensors installed on the diesel engine. Since the electronic control unit precisely measures the intake pressure and fuel temperature of the intake manifold and controls the injection timing and injection amount, the electronic injection diesel engine has a lower power drop in high altitude and high temperature environments. Therefore, the use of electronic injection generator set in high altitude and high temperature environments can obtain greater output power and economy. 3 Power correction of nonlinear loads   Nonlinear...


    02 2024
  • What is the rated power factor of a generator set ?
    1、 What is the rated power factor of a generator set ? The rated power factor of a generator refers to its ability to output effective power at its rated capacity. In practical use, the power factor of a dg generator is generally 0.8 or 1.0. Among them, a power factor of 0.8 refers to the ratio of the product of the active power output at the rated capacity of the genset to the rated capacity; A power factor of 1.0 refers to the active power output by the diesel generator at rated capacity being equal to the rated capacity. 2、 What is the impact of power factor on generators? Power factor is one of the important factors that determine the efficiency and power quality of a generator. If the power factor of the generator is low, the required reactive power will increase correspondingly when outputting the same active power, which will lead to a decrease in the power quality of the generator and may even affect the normal operation of the power system. Therefore, choosing the appropriate power factor is very important. 3、 How to improve the power factor of the generator? There are two methods to improve the power factor of a generator: one is to increase the active power of the generator, and the other is to reduce the reactive power of the generator. To increase active power, methods such as increasing generator capacity and increasing the cross-sectional area of rotor wires can be used. Reducing reactive power can be achieved through methods such as capacitor bank parallel compensation and adjusting excitation current. The specific method can be selected according to the actual situation. Conclusion The rated power factor of a generator is an important factor in ensuring its efficiency and power quality. A lower power factor may affect the power quality of the generator and the normal operation of the power system. Therefore, selecting a suitable power factor is very important. In order to improve power factor, measures such as increasing active power and reducing reactive power can be taken.


    06 2024
وهي ملتزمة بدمج التكنولوجيا المتقدمة في سيناريوهات التطبيق العملي. العلامة التجارية الوطنية الرائدة لمجموعة المولدات
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