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شيامن بياو شركة تكنولوجيا الطاقة ، المحدودة.التي تكرس نفسها للبحث والتطوير وتصنيع مجموعات مولدات الديزل منذ إنشائها في عام 2012 ، وتقع في المنطقة الصناعية xiangan binyinu ، المنطقة الاقتصادية الخاصة في شيامن ، مع ورش الإنتاج القياسية الحديثة والمرافق المكتبية ، وهي شركة مصنعة تدمج التصميم والبحث والتطوير ، إنتاج وبيع: المحركات ومجموعات المولدات ومجموعات مولدات الغاز الطبيعي والمراوح
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فئات المنتجات
صنع منتجات تفهم احتياجات العملاء وتخلق قيمة للعملاء. بفضل الاحتياطيات التقنية المتقدمة وجودة المنتج الممتازة ، نجحت شركة ukkms في وضع سوق مجموعات المولدات الراقي الصينية.
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تأسيس شركة

شهادات باور شريفة مع رخصة تجاريةيتم تقديم منتجات ba power إلى شهادات iso8525 و gb / t2820-97 وشهادة CE وجودة معتمدة من قبل أنظمة إدارة ISO9001 و ISO14001 لضمان منتجات وخدمات عالية الجودة. يتم تطبيق منتجاتنا على نطاق واسع في المجالات فيresisdential ، التجاري ، السوق ، الكهرباء ، الإيجار ،الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية ، والسكك الحديدية ، والبناء ، والطاقة الكهربائية ، والعسكرية ، والمصانع ، والطرق ، والنفط ، وبناء السفن ، إلخ ، وتصديرها إلى دول في جميع أنحاء العالم.ماركات محركاتنا:بيركنز ، الكمون ، دوسان ، MTU ، ريكاردو ، ukkms، إلخ.ماركات لوحة التحكم: uk deepsea، czech comap، smartgenدعمنا الفني: لدينا مهندسون ومصممون محترفون يعملون في صناعة المولد لأكثر من 10 سنوات يمكنهم تقديم حل تقني سريع وفعال في الوقت المناسب.ضماننا: نوفر وقت تشغيل لمدة عام أو 1000 ساعة أيهما يأتي أولاً كفترة قياسية. والأجزاء المستهلكة مع فلاتر الهواء والوقود وزيوت التشحيم ، وجميع الأعطال والأضرار الناجمة عن سوء التشغيل أو إهمال دليل الصيانة والتشغيل خارج نطاق الضمان الخاص بنا.التزاماتنا:لقد اجتازت جميع المنتجات اختبار المصنع الصارم قبل الشحن لضمان الجودة العالية.يتم تطبيق شروط ضمان المنتجات بصرامة.خط تجميع وإنتاج عالي الكفاءة لضمان التسليم في الوقت المحدد.يتم تقديم خدمات احترافية وفي الوقت المناسب ومدروس ومتفاني.يتم توفير ملحقات أصلية مواتية وكاملة.يتم تقديم تدريب تقني منتظم وغير منتظم طوال العام.يوفر مركز خدمة العملاء 24/7/365 استجابات سريعة وفعالة بسبب طلب خدمة العملاء.
    • 8
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    • 15000
    • 15000m2
    • المنطقة المحتلة
    • 120
    • 120+
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    • 24
    • 24*7*365
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المزيد عن
تركز العلامة التجارية للطاقة ukkms gongtai على هدف "إنشاء مورد إنتاج مجموعة مولدات الطوارئ على مستوى عالمي" و "إعادة وضع العالم ليكون" صنع في الصين "
فيديوهات اكثر
أحدث الأخبار
  • Selection of enterprise-owned diesel generator capacity
    Selection of enterprise-owned diesel generator capacity There is currently no unified calculation formula in the country for selecting the capacity of self-provided diesel generator sets, so the methods used by designers in actual work are also different: some simply determine it based on 10%-20% of the power transformer capacity; Some are added according to the capacity of fire-fighting equipment; some are selected according to the wishes of investors, which results in inaccuracy in selecting the capacity of self-provided generating units. If the capacity is selected too large, it will cause a waste of investment; if the capacity is selected too small, it will cause a waste of investment in the event of an accident. Cannot meet usage requirements. So, how to choose the capacity of self-provided generating units? After reviewing the information and referring to various experiences and practices of peers, the author summarized the following points: (1) Plan or preliminary design stage The capacity of the self-provided generator is calculated as 10%-20% of the total capacity of the power supply transformer. (2) Construction drawing stage (1) Select generator capacity according to calculated load We know that the electrical load of a building can be divided into three categories: The first category is security load, which is a load that ensures the safety and reliable operation of people and equipment in the building, such as fire pumps, fire elevators, smoke prevention and exhaust equipment, emergency Lighting, communication equipment, important computers and related equipment, etc.; the second category is support load, that is, the basic equipment load to ensure the operation of the building, mainly work area lighting, some elevators, passage lighting; the third category is general load, that is Loads other than the above loads, such as air conditioners, water pumps and other general lighting and power equipment. When calculating the capacity of self-provided generating units, the first type of load must be taken into account, and the second type of load is determined according to the building function and power grid conditions. If the building function requirements are higher or the city power grid power supply is unstable, the second type of load should be considered. Class loads are taken into account, but if the first and second class loads are simply added to select the generator capacity, the selected capacity will be too large, because in the fire-fighting state, only the operation of the fire-fighting equipment needs to be ensured, and the second class load The load is not used; and when the power grid is outage in non-fire-fighting conditions, the fire-fighting equipment is not used. Therefore, the author believes that the larger of the two can be selected as the capacity of the generator set. After the equipment capacity is calculated, the required coefficient Kx is selected according to the actual situation (generally 0.85-0.95), and th...


    09 2024
  • Composition and classification of diesel generators
     1. Composition and classification of diesel generators Diesel generator sets for AC power supply, backup and emergency power generation are widely used in many fields of the national economy such as ships and communications. In recent years, the power shortage caused by economic development and uneven resource distribution, especially in the southern coastal areas, has further highlighted the role of diesel generators in the development of the national economy. From hand-started and manned ordinary units to the direction of automation (self-starting, unattended, remote control, remote signaling, telemetry), low emissions and low noise, the technical equipment level of diesel generator sets is constantly improving. Modern diesel generator sets have the characteristics of flexibility, convenience, high degree of automation, low noise and low emissions. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application of some new technologies and new achievements has made modern diesel generator sets have higher intensification, reliability, stability and good emission characteristics, etc., and continue to meet the higher requirements of modern society. (1) Composition Diesel generator set is a type of internal combustion generator set, consisting of a diesel engine, a three-phase AC synchronous generator and a control system (including automatic detection, control and protection devices). The diesel engine, generator and control system (box) of the mobile diesel generator set are all assembled on a common base; while the diesel engine and generator of the larger power stationary unit are installed on a common base welded from steel, and Fixed on a specially designed reinforced concrete foundation, equipment such as the control system and fuel tank of this unit are usually installed separately from the unit. The flywheel housing of the diesel generator and the front end cover of the generator are directly connected in the axial direction using a shoulder positioning method to form an integrated body, and a cylindrical elastic coupling is used to directly drive the generator to rotate through the flywheel. This connection method is fixed together by screws, so that the two are connected into one body, ensuring that the concentricity of the crankshaft of the diesel engine and the rotor of the generator is within the specified range. In order to reduce the noise, diesel generator sets generally need to be installed with special mufflers. In special cases, the unit needs to be fully shielded. In order to reduce the vibration of the unit, shock absorbers or rubber shock absorbing pads are usually installed at the connections between the main components such as the diesel engine, generator, water tank and electrical control box and the public chassis. (2) Classification and functions There are many types of diesel generator sets, which can be divided into the following types according to their structural types, control methods and protecti...


    12 2024
  • How to Check the Working Quality of Cummins Diesel Generator Governor
    How to Check the Working Quality of Cummins Diesel Generator Governor 1.Maintain standards The internal parts of the speed regulator are not allowed to be stuck during operation. The movement of various parts must be flexible, and the matching clearance between parts must meet the technical requirements. 2. Maintenance methods (1) Inspection and maintenance of speed regulating rotor parts: 1) When the flying iron frame and bracket rotate, there should be no jamming phenomenon. The rotor bearing is not allowed to be too loose or blocked or burned out. Otherwise, new parts should be replaced. 2) When the wear of the inner end of the fly iron exceeds 0.3 minutes, it should be repaired by welding repair. 3) When the matching gap between the flying iron seat frame bushing and the telescopic shaft exceeds 0.22mm, the bushing should be replaced with a new one. After the bushing is pressed in, it should be hinged with the telescopic shaft to ensure the matching size with the telescopic shaft. (2) Inspection and maintenance of speed control gear components. . The mating surface of the speed control gear sleeve is not allowed to have major scratches and eccentric wear. When the buffer spring is not equipped, the two should be able to rotate freely. If the buffer spring is found to be greatly deformed or damaged or broken during inspection, it should be replaced with new parts. When the buffer spring is in a free state, there should be a certain gap between the groups, and the gap between each piece should be less than 0.2mm. The transition arc and straight part of the assembled buffer spring should fit closely with the flange of the speed control gear and the shaft sleeve, and the contact length with the outer diameter of the bearing should be greater than half of the circumferential length. (3) Inspection and maintenance of speed regulating spring. After removing the speed regulating spring, a visual inspection should be carried out. If damage, cracks or distortion are found, the spring should be replaced with a new one. If the elastic force of the speed regulating spring does not meet the technical requirements, it should also be replaced. 3.Technical requirements (1) When the connecting pins and pin holes of the speed regulator are seriously worn and cannot be repaired, new parts should be replaced. (2) When the wear amount of the fly iron bushing and pin exceeds 0.15~0.20mm, the bushing should be replaced with a new one or the pin with an enlarged size should be replaced. (3) The weight difference between the two flying irons after repair should be less than 3g. (4) The flying iron seat frame should be able to rotate flexibly relative to the bracket by its own inertial force, and the flying iron seat frame should be able to swing freely on the seat frame.    


    21 2024
وهي ملتزمة بدمج التكنولوجيا المتقدمة في سيناريوهات التطبيق العملي. العلامة التجارية الوطنية الرائدة لمجموعة المولدات
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اشترك في عرضنا الترويجي الشهري واحصل على آخر أخبار المنتجات!

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منزل، بيت


